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PARTE PRIMA Eccola la mia intervista per il portale PUOI LEGGERLA ANCHE CLICCANDO QUI  INTERVISTA – LA FASHION BLOGGER DEI PICCOLI. Come ogni volta ringrazio te che mi leggi, che mi supporti, che mi permetti di essere sempre ispirata. Ringrazio Chiara della redazione di per l’estrema gentilezza e dedizione al lavoro. Ringrazio Mara che ha scritto l’intervista. Ringrazio il mio fisico, che, ancora e nonostante le notti insonni, non mi ha ancora abbandonato… 😉 Ringrazio la mia famiglia per essere il mio cono di luce. Ecco la PRIMA PARTE…

FIRST PART Here it is my interview for the website YOU CAN READ IT ALSO CLICKING HERE  INTERVIEW – CHILDREN’S FASHION BLOGGER As every time I thank you that read me, you who support me, you who allow me to be always inspired. I thank Chiara the editorial staff of for the extreme kindness and dedication to work. I thank Mara who wrote the interview. I thank my body, which, again and despite the sleepless nights, has not yet abandoned me… 😉 I thank my family for being my light cone. Here it is the FIRST PART …


Simona Mazzei is one of the most followed bloggers in the country with her Fiorentina. Accountant. 37 years old. Wife and mother. For several months she is present in the list of the 100 most followed fashion blogs in Italy. In a short time, in fact, has reached an incredible number of visits, attracting the attention overseas. Let’s know now she better through this interview.

How did the idea for the blog? The idea of ​​this blog is really by chance. It was born on a day in May, when you decide to let go of a dream, to give voice to the passions. Born to show love for children, for my Fiammetta and for fashion. I took the first photo tothat little and all colored outfit (I remember it perfectly) and I shared on Instagram, along with my vision of fashion, with my desire to have fun. From there I went on every day, and after a week, my blog was born. Inspired by some lovely girl fashion blog, but focused on the baby world  and on the mother and daughter. That’s, that’s all.

Every morning you post the outfit chosen for your daughter Fiammetta, who is three years. Your little girl is having fun? Is she already learning the tricks to be “fashion” at every opportunity ?

Although I show every day her look, my baby Fiammetta still (I use the adverb still, because I know it will not last long) gets completely involved with my taste. The moment of ” dressing up ” is and remains a game to share, and we do it with all the naturalness of which we are capable. She lets me to do, she has fun with me and, at the moment, she shares my choices. Sometimes, however, she wants to decide on the shoes (real passion for all of us women) and I let her do, except in some cases. I know I’m lucky , but I also know it will not last for long.

You have been immediately been noted by several fashion barnds, invited to the Pitti and various fashion shows in the United States . How do you live this happened?

I still live with amazement. It is like to get started, finally, your favorite game, to play with all the passion that you have, to have fun, to dream and to realize that this wonderful game has become, now, your job. Loving what you do, have the deside to do that every day . This is the greatest of honors. I am proud of all this, partly because I did, and still I do, really all by myself.

You claim that ” you do not need capital to dress well, but just good taste and passion.” Is it really so? There is the danger to spend too much in purchases, which is already hard enough for we moms?

I think the millions of proposals that are on the market are really for every need or wallet. To dress our children is really a great fun, but it must be done in harmony with who we are and with what we feel. The fashion brands are a lot  (more or less expensive), the opportunity to match the various elements (prints, colors, fabrics )are endless. And this is what I want to show through my blog. Being able to choose is fundamental, but combine the most sought garments with cheap parts is the key to modernity. I choose low-cost clothes for my baby, but I add a small element (a scarf , a belt, a brooch stolen from my wardrobe) and the outfit looks so different. I also use the dresses most valuable (more expensive I mean), and I enjoy to match them with small and low-cost pieces , so that they can be also a part of our everyday time.

A breve anche la SECONDA PARTE…… STAY TUNED!!!!