Today the weather is really bad … I’ll wait my grandfather who comes to see me (I do not see him often), hoping he bring me a gift and I’ll play with my family! Here’s my outfit for today …. elegant … mom …. are you sure?? Surely she has done it for my grandfather …. anyway I like a lot! Happy Saturday … 😉
Oggi il tempo è veramente brutto…aspetterò il mio nonno che viene a trovarmi (non lo vedo spesso), sperando che mi porti un regalino e giocherò con la mia famiglia!! Ecco il mio outfit per oggi….elegante…mamma….sei sicura??? Sicuramente l’avrà fatto per il nonno….comunque a me piace un sacco!! Buon Sabato… 😉
ZARA SHIRT (click HERE for the shopping on line in ITALY and HERE for the shopping on line in USA)
ZARA JACKET (click HERE for the shopping on line in ITALY and HERE for the shopping on line in USA)
ZARA SHORTS (click HERE for the shopping on line in ITALY and HERE for the shopping on line in USA)
ZARA SCARF (click HERE for the shopping on line in ITALY and HERE for the shopping on line in USA)
Those pink shoes are adorable 🙂
Thanks, I love them…..
As lovely as always :)!
That broche is too cute!
Thank you so much, you are as kind as always… 😉 Kisses
love everything, especially the scarf!
Thank you so much dear!!! A big kiss
I am really loving this outfit, something I would put together for myself, haha so adorable!
Thank you so much!! 😉 Have a nice sunday!!!
Vorrei mettere mi piace ma non riesco
Mi hanno detto che il sito è un pò impallato…sto risolvendo….grazie mille!!!! Un bacio
Love this scarf…
Thank you so much!!!