Come sai Venerdì ho partecipato (in veste di reporter…;-) ) alla sfilata di CAFFELATTEACOLAZIONE il cui ricavato è stato devoluto interamente in beneficenza Centro per l’Aiuto alla Vita Maria Cristina Ogier di Firenze che si occupa di fornire un supporto alle donne in difficoltà che scoprono di aspettare un bambino, in modo da poter fornire loro una valida alternativa all’aborto.
Prima di mostrarti tutte le foto di quella bellissima serata fatta di bambini meravigliosi che giocavano sfilando, di creazioni eleganti, curate e particolari e di magica allegria, voglio mostrarti il mio outfit e voglio anche spendere due parole sulla cornice incredibile che ha ospitato tutto questo. Si tratta del Chiostro della Basilica di San Lorenzo a Firenze e consiglio vivamente a chi è in zona, di passare a darci un’occhiata. Un posto che merita una visita ed un pò di attenzione.
Ecco qualche foto e qualche informazione..
As you know, on Friday I attended (as a reporter … ;-)) the fashion show of CAFFELATTEACOLAZIONE whose proceeds were donated entirely to charity for the Centro per l’Aiuto alla Vita Maria Cristina Ogier di Firenze, which is responsible for providing support to women in distress who discover they are expecting a baby, so they can provide them with a viable alternative to abortion.
Before showing you all the pictures of that beautiful evening made of wonderful children who were playing on the catwalk, made of elegant, well-made and special creations, and made of magical joy, I want to show you my outfit and I also want to say a few words about the incredible setting that has hosted all of this. This is the Cloister of the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence and would highly recommend to anyone who is in the area, to move on and take a look. A place that is worth a visit and a little care.
Here are some pictures and some information…
And here it is my outfit – Ed ecco il mio outfit..
Thanks to SILVIA (Bernardo’s mom) for the pics of my OUTFIT 😉
Ed un grazie speciale a GLORIA VANDELLI (gloriasmood) per le sue fantastiche creazioni..Dai un’occhiata al suo negozio ETSY QUI e fammi sapere che ne pensi….
And a special thanks to GLORIA VANDELLI (gloriasmood) for her fantastic creations .. Have a look at her ETSY shop HERE and let me know what you think…
Such a beautiful setting for the fashion show.
It was darling!!! Thanks
Yay! Socks! Is there a line drawing of the pants somewhere? I sew, sans patterns, and I was trying to see what the out-seam line looks like, and how they are fastened at the waist. Can’t see in the photos. They look similar to Afghan men’s pants.?? Are you wearing a cummerbund or is that part of the structure of the pant? Thank you for posting these great photos. Your child is adorable. The Basilica is interesting, too. — Bear
Hi Bear, these pants are an amazing creation of Irene (CAFFELATTEACOLAZIONE). You can see them on and ask to her everything you’d loke to knoW!! Tnaks a lot and a big kiss!!!
That is you in the photos? You coordinated your own outfit? The smart fitted suit jacket compliments the baggy seated pants just right. So that they don’t look too casual and sloppy. Of course your nice shape doesn’t hurt. Thank you so much for the link. When I was a young tween/teen I sewed for my little sister, who was 10 years younger than myself, and all of my own clothes. Now I have some granddaughters, so I enjoy (though my daughters-in-law do have very different taste from me) but I do enjoy thinking about it and making a little dress or something once in a while, with all hand stitching and French seams Thanks again.
Thanks to you!!!! This is me in the pics and I coordinate all my outfit and those of my baby girl Fiammetta!!! I really enjoy doing that!!!! Enjoy your sewing and your granddaughters, I think they are so lucky…;-) Thanks again darling!!!
I nominated you for Versatile Blogger award 🙂 All the details are on my blog Congrats and keep blogging!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate!!!!!!!!!! Kisses
wonderful place! And wonderful family photos!
Thank you so much, he is a super friend of us!!!
What a gorgeous place! And what a great outfit. I LOVE your shoes!!!!
Thanks a lot, Valentino is the best one…;-)
How beautiful! I’m loving your outfit too, those shoes are spectacular!
Thanks a lot Caroline!!! A big kiss
cool pics:) Loving it:)
Thank you so much my friend!!!
What a great location and beautiful vegetation! I love your shoes too! Sara
Thanks a lot Sara…;-)
you are so stylish, Fiamma! I love your look–and the European backdrop is just perfect. 🙂
Thanks darling, but my name is Simona, Fiammetta is my daughter…;-) a big kiss
I am so happy you reached out to me I love your blog as well you look so beautiful Simona
keep in touch we could definitely collaborate for giveaways and tons of things for our readers
xoxo-Kohree J.
Thanks to you darling and welcome here!!! See you soon…
What a wonderful group of people the fashion show was for — there is such a need for groups such as this, and it is a very worthy cause! I love your boots — they are fabulous! Your friend takes very nice pictures, and you look great!
Thanks a lot, my friend are special!! Kisses dear!!
Fantastic setting for the show! Love your outfit and Bernardo is a doll! Ooh those shoes!!!
Thanks a lot my darling!! The cloiset is incredible and Bernardo is my super friend!!! 😉