Sale for kids. Here, in brief, some advice for what to buy for the female during this period of low prices and discounts on each site of children’s fashion.
Sale for kids?
At sale you can finally buy those garments who have long dreamed of, but they were too expensive or of which we were not completely sure about.
Today I want to give a couple of tips (which remain just tips, because each of us has in mind what to buy and why) during sale for kids.
Let’s start by the female and soon you’ll know something also for the boy .. 😉
When we encounter in sale in general and, in particular, in sale for kids, we need to have in mind a couple of things to avoid purchasing mistakes.
First of all that the garment should be fine for the next few seasons. For the coming summer season (go with green shirts, blouses, accessories) and for the next winter (attention to sizes, textures, colors). We must also remember that children grow (and they grow too fast) and that what they want to wear today will not be worn next year. Check, then, the garments rather basic or something really special for your little girl.
Sale for kids, then will require more attention than sale for us women, and should be made with a little more reason and a little less instinct. For those who make it, of course .. 😉
Here, then, a couple of garments for your little girl to buy on sale that will do fine also for future seasons and that does not make you wrong the choice.
Sale for kids. Part 1. The FEMALE and how not to make mistakes.
THE TULLE SKIRT, perfect in both summer and winter. If you find a “glittering” one, it will be perfect for the upcoming summer season and, in any case, it is a garment to have in the closet of each female. To wear in every occasion and super feminine. You find a lot of them everywhere and you will definitely fond it also on sale.
Here are a couple of tulle skirts.
left: ZARA KIDS ♥ right MAGIL
THE DOWN JACKET and will not tell you anything new. I did it too often. A down jacket on sale for kids is almost a MUST. Choose a neutral color (blue, beige) and a size above. If your child has not grown excessively you will curl the sleeves, otherwise you will have taken a perfect garment for the whole next season (and even by the end of this) for half the price (or almost). An advice? Try with the silver one.. 😉
A couple of examples of down jackets for kids
BLOUSES and SHIRTS, are my favorite purchases during sale for kids. Fiammetta wearing blouses in every season and she wears those long-sleeved even in summer evenings in a little cooler nights. Go ahead, then, with blouses, shirts and similar in each genus and species. An evergreen ?? That tiny little flowers in pastel colors.
Here are a few examples
up: BONPOINT ♥ down: EMILE et IDA
SOMETHING BLACK, like I mentioned IN THIS POST, the black color was a must for this winter season 2015/2016, but it will be also for the next. Trust me. Here, then, that during the sale for kids you have to find something black for your princess. One size above and not too trendy. Ok for a dress, or a pair of pants, and maybe comfy and to curl at the bottom.
Here are a few examples
A WOOL CARDIGAN, now you know that wool has come back into fashion and that, eventually, in the winter it’s cold. Go ahead, then purchases on sale for kids some wool sweaters in the colors that you like. They are sure trendy again next year. And the one after that. And the one after that … If you opt for the cardigan you can also use it as a “jacket” on hot days, or as a sweater for the colder ones. Buy a size above (or two) and use it as well as a bit dropped garment. They are beautiful in spring with blouse and jeans.
Here they are
Pic Source: Google
One last tip for the sale for kids? NO to the shoes!! You never know what size they wear in a YEAR!!
Have special SALE and see you SOON with some ideas for children even for your MALE.
Love this Sonia Rykiel doll dress. Blogged about it last month : )
Me too!!! Have a special day